Professional - Health CareMedicalOrthopaedicsOrthopedic SurgeonPhysicians
Monday - Thursday: 8am - 5pm
Friday: 8am - 2pm
When you expect orthopedic excellence, there is only one place to go - Optim Health System. Our commitment to excellence is at the forefront of everything we do because we know that the quality of the care you receive for a chronic condition or an injury can make all the difference in your recovery. From hips and knees to shoulders and spine, you deserve the best orthopedic care in the region.
Optim's interventional pain management team is dedicated to helping you find relief from pain so that you can resume the activities you love. Our team of specialists is equipped with the expertise to provide exceptional care and minimally invasive treatments for individuals experiencing neck, back, or joint pain.
Our doctors work tirelessly to keep you moving comfortably and without pain, so you can get back to all the activities and the lifestyle you enjoy!